“If we don’t protect religious freedom, we don’t deserve it”
Panel discusses how the Reformation informs our current quest for freedom....
Panel discusses how the Reformation informs our current quest for freedom....
Panel emphasis religious groups role in highlighting the need of people around the world....
A Statement for End It Now Sabbath...
IRLA’s 8th World Congress opens with appeals to extend religious freedom to everyone....
A Statement from the Inter-European and Trans-European divisions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church...
He is remembered as a faithful, committed evangelist and administrator....
The local Adventist churches are working together to help with the healing process....
Church leaders and youth express thanks for answered prayers and concern over community property loss....
On behalf of the entire North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, I would like to let our members and the citizens on the island of Guam know that our concern and prayers are with you. We take solace in the words of Mark 13:7: “When you...
The Hispanic Advisory of the Adventist Church's North American Division underscores its "moral responsibility to care for the disadvantaged."...